El Mojito

A Healthier Take on the Mojito

…Well, okay, this post might be more appropriately entitled ‘My Take on the Mojito’, since I am by no means an expert on the subject.  However, my understanding does envelop the idea that the drink, while having a classic or more standard version, is open to interpretation.  Putting that aside, I like getting to the point, so here it is…

Basically, these are some of my ideas of a cool, refreshing summertime drink…[insert mini umbrella and blissful Hawaiian beach here]


-maple syrup, coconut sugar, honey powder, or maple sugar

-lemon or lime (juice + wedge for garnish, optional)

-fresh mint leaves

-herbal lemon or mint tea

-water or soda water


Next time you’re in the mood for a cool drink, try making a refreshing beverage with lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and a few mint leaves.  Mix it well and add a few ice cubes and a lemon wedge to garnish.  To change it up, try replacing some of the water with lemon or mint herbal tea or swapping honey or coconut sugar for the maple syrup.  The options are limitless!!

Vegan Chocolate Banana Milkshake


Vegan Chocolate Banana MilkshakeDSC_0700

 this recipe is vegan, naturally gluten-free, and can be made raw


-almond milk (enough to almost cover banana in blender)

-2 dates

-1 ripe banana (you can also use a frozen banana and omit the ice)

-1-2 tsp cocoa powder *this recipe can be made raw using raw cacao

Throw all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.  Serve on ice or alternately  try adding some ice into blender.  Enjoy!

Other websites with similar recipes include: blissfulbasil.com, thesweetlifeonline.com, mindbodygreen.com, theothersideofthetortilla.com and veganyackattack.com.


Tropicango Green Smoothie

I absolutely love mango!  This smoothie is mostly mango with a nice pineapple-orange kick to it.  Enjoy!


For this smoothie you’ll need fresh or frozen: mango chunks, pineapple, and peach slices, as well as some spinach, a small piece of ripe banana, orange juice, and Bolthouse or Arthur’s mango juice.

I use the PC 4 fruit frozen mix for this smoothie, which includes mango, pineapple, peach, and (also) strawberry.  I throw in a few extra mango chunks and add varied amounts of mango and orange juice (generally more OJ than mango juice) until the ingredients are just about covered, then add water to whatever level is needed for blending.  A handful of spinach and 1/4-1/3 of a ripe banana completes this tasty green drink!